Welcome to the GPANJ website

The Governmental Purchasing Association of New Jersey has spent over 65 years in service to the citizens of the State of New Jersey, improving the knowledge of individuals who are responsible for procurement using public funds. The GPANJ is an active organization of more than 500 purchasing agents (active and retired) from municipalities, school boards, counties, authorities and other government entities across New Jersey. Our diversity is our strength.

The Association promotes and fosters professionalism of all persons engaged in governmental purchasing by providing networking and educational opportunities.  The GPANJ offers at least one mini conference each year and provides educational programs at the League of Municipalities Annual Conference.  The GPANJ also partners with Rutgers University, the Southern and Northern Chapters of the NIGP, and the NJ Association of County Purchasing Officials for the annual Rutgers University Public Purchasing Educational Forum.  

The GPANJ collaborates with the Southern and Northern Chapters of the NIGP and the NJ Association of County Purchasing Officials to address the pressing issues facing the Public Purchasing Profession including new Legislation and State laws, regulations, and requirements.

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Message from the President

December 26th, 2023

Dear Members,
I am truly humbled and honored to stand before you today, grateful for the trust you have placed in me for a second term as President of this incredible association. It has been an extraordinary journey, one filled with challenges and achievements, and I am deeply appreciative of the opportunity to continue serving all of you.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the executive board and appointed members for the hard work that they have all done over the past year. We have discussed visions and goals for the GPANJ Association and members. I have full confidence that we will continue to work tirelessly to make our goals a reality. Together, we have achieved significant changes to better the government Purchasing profession, but our journey is far from over. As I start in my second term as President, I am filled with a renewed sense of dedication and enthusiasm to lead our association forward.

During my first term, together we laid a strong foundation, but now is the time to build upon it. There has been collaboration and unity as a result of our updated website. The Message Board has played a significant role in this. We will continue to strive to ensure that every member's voice is heard and valued. This will be the root of our progress, as we aim to create a supportive environment that assists each individual within our association.

The focus will be dedicated to education, improvement and growth. We will embrace new ideas, technologies, and approaches that will push us into the future while staying true to our core values. Education and support will continue to be pivotal in our efforts to make a meaningful impact on the professional lives of our members.

Legislative issues lie ahead. I am confident that the GPANJ, Southern and Northern Chapters of the NIGP, NJACPO and Rutgers Center for Government Services, in our collective ability will work to confront these challenges. Together, we will navigate the complexities, celebrate our victories, and learn from our setbacks. With your support, I am optimistic that we will achieve greater success in 2024.

In closing, I am honored to serve as your President for a second term. Let us continue this journey together, by our shared vision, and let us make a positive difference within our association and our Purchasing profession.

Thank you once again for your trust, confidence, and support. Here's to a successful and fulfilling second term!

Wishing you all a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!


Michele Bado
GPANJ President


If you intend to retire, or know of anyone in our association who is retiring this year, please let Linda Carpenter know at: Linda.Carpenter@rocketmail.com